

Admiralty International is a group of privately held companies, including Admiralty Group LLC, International Business and Development Solutions Group, LLC and a number of other related companies. It is an international financial and consulting group with its head office in the United States, and representative offices in many countries around the world.  Admiralty International has supplemented the skill and experience of its Principals and Associates by establishing strategic associations with a select number of international firms, including the largest commercial and investment banks and accounting firms in the world, as well as with individuals with complementary skills and experience.  The capabilities of Admiralty International lie in the following areas 

金钟国际是一家拥有众多实力雄厚的私营集团公司,旗下包括金钟集团有限责任公司(AG),国际商业及发展策略集团有限责任公司(IBDSG)以及其他一系列相关企业。 该集团是一家主营国际金融和咨询业务的公司,总部位于美国,并在全世界许多国家和地区设有办事处。金钟国际的成功除仰仗其合伙人和客户经理团队丰富的经验、纯熟的专业素养及广泛的客户网络外,还与其与一批国际知名大型商业投资银行及业界精英建立的长期战略合作关系密不可分。金钟国际的竞争力体现在以下几个方面:

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